. >> jay, the amr of commerce is putting together a play book for reopening. can you lk us through the highlights? remy is talking about. ts that we are pivoting from work at ir home ement. many of the larger employers and tech firms are going to allow or encourage employees to work from home for the next several months and maybe next several years. s our neighborhodon't have what it takes to sustain this. viewers have trouble signing on to zoom at the same time and e entire network crashes. we need to build up more ibandwithe neighborhood and allow fiber and close the digital divide so as people work at home we can sustain that kind ocagrowth. >> jeremy you talk about hothe changes to consumer spending will be impacting the economy long term, what esare t conseque >> well, it is going to be tough to know until s us come back, right? there is compleerly different consbehavios in the last three months than what we saw previously and people are expecting us to s go back and behaviom three months ago. but how much is permanently changed? we don't know until we ope