i'm amrita cheema. coming up in the show -- trouble in paradise -- living with climate change on the pacific island of kiribati. modern medicine -- signing up for health care in rwanda. and tuneful trash -- how a youth orchestra puts garbage to use. recent u.n. projections that sea levels will rise faster than previously thought due to global warming have sent alarm bells ringing in many regions. low-lying cities and islands are most at risk. among them, the pacific island nation of kiribati, east of australia. if water levels rise at the pace forecast, this spectacular island country would be one of the first to get submerged and disappear from the face of the earth. as the international community struggles to find consensus on how to deal with global warming, the islanders are taking steps to raise awareness on the issue of climate change at home. approach the international date line over the pacific. we see a crescent-shaped sliver of an island in the vast ocean. we're headed for the island nation of