with me is amrita sen, chief 0il analyst at energy aspects.tart with how he was sticking his head of the parent as the little man trying to pick out will stop he strikes a victorian for me, they can't wait to get on, get rid of britain and get on. the only mentioned brexit once and he basically said it wasn't the best moment in our history, we will regret it but so will you more than anything. his main message has been catch the wind in our sales, there can me is picking up. also obviously the whole migration story that everything seems to be going in the right direction for let's focus on the positives. ina way, the positives. in a way, compared to wind the clock back 12 months when he delivered the state of the union, even a much stronger position now, even the date of that, how the european union is doing, how the eurozone is doing. they described as a dark eye of speech. he talks about an ever closer union. as he was talking, i wondered what the other 27 members we re wondered what the other 27 members were thinking, because many of the co