our first witness is amy bennett, the assistant director at openthegovernment.org. openthegovernment.org is a coalition of 80 plus organizations seeking to make the federal government more open and accountable. our next witness is dr. david cuillier, director and associate professor of the university of arizona school of journalism. dr. jacobe or is also the president of the society of professional journalists, the largest organization of journalists in the united states. our final witness is daniel j. metcalfe. he is the adjunct professor and executive director of the collaboration on government secrecy at the washington college of law of -- uncertain the washington college of law at american university. and he is the former director of the department of justice office of information and privacy. i'd like to thank you all for joining us. i'd like to give each of our five minutes to make your opening statements. your complete written testimonies will be included in the record. ms. bennett, please go ahead. [inaudible] >> i think your mic might not be on. >> there we