proposals which we feel is desperately needsed the report before you is a good start and we've - amy cowen joins us here to discuss the issue today. so let's jump into our presentation we have different colleagues to decide the parts and i'm happy to introduce our intermediate and we'll do a review of some of the case laws in other cities. then my colleague will talk about the particular issues and how we're going to explore the issues and prepare a draft outline for those structural changes. so let us begin. good afternoon, commissioners planning staff. i wanted to start by highlighting a view moments. the first formula retails were adopted in on a 4 and they required 212 notification in c districts. they abandon formula daily and now it's renamed. and they did require a conditional ice authorization on specific rocks and lots on coals streets. i will note that at that time the department did not support those and the legislation was forwarded onto the board. at that time when the legislation was first introduced by supervisors gonzalez the definition of retail was 4 or morality establish