. >> go amy dowden. >> go amy dowden. >> it's always lovely to hear that somebody's concerned that they'reing to get cheap nail job. they're not going to get cheap nailjob. i'm sorry, that they're not going to get cheap nail job. i'm sorry, that is not acceptable. you're talking about people like that. i'm sorry. it's not acceptable. it's not good enough. and the fact is, is we have. and you say if the if immigration was under not under control. out of control over a million people last year, that's out of control in a country the size we are. it has an impact on so many things, on housing costs, on employment, also safety, security. if you think of the amount of people working, for example, in the food delivery business, at least according to police reports, at least half of those that they stop for basic traffic offences are illegal migrants. they should not be here. end of story period. there is no reason, no justification. none whatsoever. legal migrants, refugees. then they have. there is an argument. but for these people, they aren't that. and they they have no working rights. well,