in new york, amy goodman, host and executive producer of "democracy now." e big question is, is this stimulus deja vu, stimulus passed, democrats thought it would help them, they went home and found angry americans. amy, there's some evidence of a bit of i democratic bounce with the health care passage. the challenge is to sell to a still, skeptical public. what is your sense of the mood? >> well, i think also, at the very last minute, this issue of senator coburn standing up and stopping the extension of unemployment and cobra benefits for, what, 1 million jobless americans in this type of recession, this is not going to help the republicans. people are being hit very hard all over this country. how many, 1 in 5 homeowners under water with mortgages. this is unacceptable, the condition of america. you talk about health care, it's significant. now they're going to talk about perhaps 30 million more americans getting ensured. kids with preexisting conditions being taken care of. i don't think republicans can lobby against that, though single-payer advocates,