our clerk today is amy salem. madam clerk, will you please call the roll chair? >> darcy. present darcy present vice chair mandolin mandolin present show darcy we have quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk. >> i believe you have a public comment announcement for members of the public interested in participating in this meeting. we welcome your attendance here in person in the legislative chamber room 250 and city hall. or you may watch cable channel 26 or 99 or stream the meeting live at s.f. gov tv.org. >> for those wishing to make public comment remotely the best way to do so is by dialing (415) 655-0001 and one prompt to entering access code 26640951609 and then press pound and pound again. you will be able to listen to the meeting in real time when public comment is called for the item you wish to speak on press star three to be added to the queue to speak. do not press star three again or you will be removed from the queue when the system says your line is unmuted the live operator while advise you that you are allowed two minutes to speak when your two minutes are up we