amy sampson is a florida base space in science, john les, who writes for space dot com. she joins this via skype from orlando. and to amy the last time we spoke, but we were expecting that we'd be on the moon by now, i guess this shows what can go wrong and what a complex operation that says yes, it does. so at the i'm connection involved in this league was actually part of the previous league only. nasa engineers thought that they could repair it and, and today the leak was actually a little bit greater than it was on monday. so they're definitely going to have to go back to the drawing board and probably take the rocket back to the vehicle assembly building before they can try again. how disappointing is this? because there was so much excitement and anticipation in the head of the 1st launch to the lunar surface and half a century. obviously this is now the, the 3rd, the 2nd time it's not happened. oh, there's definite disappointment. i'm here locally. it was estimated that there were, i think, 400000 people coming to the area to watch this launch. so the public is ver