. - amy y heckerlingng is giviving these e girls their owown vocabulalary. - hehello, it wawas his sve any y idea whwhat you're e talking abab? - no. why, do o i sound lilike i d? - even t though cherer is th, likeke, heightenened, fantas, perfect, g gorgeous, aspiratitional creatation, i tk amy y heckerlingng still is se toto see her a as a real g g. she doesn'n't turn herer into j just a puncnchline. - can n i just seeee the beging agagain, folksks? - in "a a league of f their own" pennnny marshallll lookoks at the r role of womo, the changiging role ofof womn inin world warar ii. - girls cacan't play b ball! - babatting fiftfth and playay- - the men n were fighthting on the batattlefields,s, but there e was still l a hur for prprofessionalal baseba. - [gruntnts] - - "a league e of their o ows about womemen baseballll playe. - [gruntnts] - out! - - out, dottitie-- - itit's iconic,c, and the l s arare iconic,, and the e performancnces are e iconic. - we told d them it wawas theieir patriotitic duty toto get out o of the kitctcn and d go to workrk, and now w when the m men come b, we