the amygdala is our regional brain. in a crisis or stressful situation, it automatically takes over the job of thinking, including fight or flight. we no longer process information in a cool, collected way. it instinctively moves us to action. this part of the brain's system developed early and is most dominant early in life. we need to help all children to develop their second brain system known as the cool, know system. it is emotionally neutral, runs off the frontal lobe, and is designed for higher level conative processing. it helps us to ride, rather than merely survive. it is ill suited to dealing with the tiger that is about to deal with the tiger -- that is about to show up around the corner. but hopefully, we are not often approached by that tiger. our know system is composed of if -- contemplative and starts to develop around the age of four, just at a time when children are able to delay gratification. when you have two of anything coming a go system, k and anow system, you are likely to deploy the wrong syst