so the amygdala is about violence. except if you sirte down your typical -- sit down your typical doctor and ask him what it's about, that's not the first word that's going to come out of their mouths, because for most people studying it what the amygdala is about is fear and anxiety and learning to be afraid. in other words, we've just learned something very interesting which is you cannot understand the first thing about neurobiology of violence without understanding the neurobiology of fear. and a world in which no anywhere on need be afraid, there'd be a lot more of us sleeping between lions and lambs. now, the thing to begin to make sense is what parts of brain does the amygdala talk to and which regions talks to it in turn? a next region is called the insular cortex. now, the insular cortex is, in fact, incredibly boring if you're a lab rat or any other mammal on earth because it does something very straightforward. you bite into a piece of food, and it's spoiled and rotten and fete did and rancid and all of that