and her name anagrams to lynch a trillion. ( laughter ) would someone who isn't a murderer have a name like that? ( laughter ) now, the investigations did upcover several mistakes by clinton and other officials that could have prevented the attacks, but none of them found that she did anything criminal or even sinister. so with seven benghazi committees come and gone, there was it only one step the g.o.p. could take. >> the house of representatives today moved to form a special committee to investigate. >> congressman trey gowdy is officially chosen to lead this investigation. ( laughter ). >> trevor: yeah! trey gowdy! the congressman who will get to the bottom of this, once and for all. and you know what? i like this guy. he looks like someone put anderson cooper's face under a heavy book overnight. ( laughter ) ( applause ) so, with seven committees going nowhere, maybe the eighth time is a charm. of course, there have been questions about what the true purpose of so many seemingly redundant investigations could be. and lately, we've heard some clues coming from the republicans thems