on anaildede's banner, a a calr anan end to murdrder and viole. women shout,t, "we won'te up, , ow us respect," and "machio o kills ery y sing day." host: violence and repression don't exist here, say many women in nagorno-karabakh. they're well-educated and have a big say in the political and economic life of the enclave in the southern caucasus mountains. how did that happen? nagorno-karabakh has been the subject of a decades-long conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. as a result, most of its men become soldiers to defend the borders of the self-proclaimed republic. and the absence of men has opened up new opportunities for women. repopoer: this w was once th frontle e in the conflict betwtween armenia a and azerij. e e groundn ththe diuted region of nagorno-kakarabakh s still full o of unexplodeded m. lilit amirkhanyan is in ararge a t team that rememoves them. lilit: it's s a great hononor fe to r our c country of f mines,o make i it usable agagain. as the f first fale e teameader i'm a role model, showing that women n hahave a career r in