the 600 million—year—old rock is at the heart of anangu culture.stone is a way of communicating with the gods and it's the basis of their creation stories. it's almost like a law, and it's really something that is so integral, so important to anangu, and those very stories are based in locations around uluru. so why was the decision made in the first place to ban the climb? there'a a couple of reasons, primarily because anangu don't want to see people climbing, for cultural reasons. but there's also has been a significant number fatalities on the climb. they do get very sad whenever anyone gets injured or dies, and there have been more than 35 people that have died. the ban won't come into force until october 2019 and until then, tourists can continue to climb on days when the weather isn't too extreme. the base of the route has a number of signs asking tourists to respect anangu wishes not to climb, but many people ignore these. while the decision has been welcomed by many in the local area, not everyone in the northern territory is supportive of