before do that, anant singh, his legacy for south africa?s so important that in 1967, he made his first trip to south africa. the head of the anc had just died, and he decided he was coming to the funeral. if you look back at all those years and to this day, that amazing commitment that he had to our country and its people not in my opinion, not enough credit. but he was always, whether it was pretty democracy oppose democracy, so much in love with our country and that was really something i think, as his daughter sarah said, his first love was new york, but then we became in love with south africa. i think we as south africans, the free south africa, oh a huge debt to him. as you're talking about the henry kissinger moment, i was with him at the inauguration of nelson mandela. he has that ability to just command the moment. we met yasser arafat, fidel castro, and all of these people he put onto film for that documentary. but adding to that issues like aids, and we did a document or together on a nine-year-old boy who was inflicted with aids