there are people who suffer from anasdiagnosia, the inability to recognize their condition and therefore will not seek services voluntarily. and it is this population laura's law is attempting to address by using a court order to get people into assisted outpatient treatment. curiously, as dr. leery also pointed out, there are very few requirements in laura's law as to forcing medication and enforcing people to engage in treatment. laura's law actually works because it relies on what's called the black robe effect. people, most people, are law-abiding and when faced with a court order will tend to engage in treatment. laura's law has been implemented fully in nevada county since the year 2008 and i would like just to run down some of the results that we have seen in nevada county and they have been stunningly successful. of those who are faced with court orders, actually over 50 percent engage in treatment voluntarily through an iterative judge. the judge works with them, they get somewhat better, they engage in a higher level of treatment and get even better so there's a feedback loop w