of vision, she was admitted to the hospital with exactly these injuries thirty-two-year-old anastasia lobodae whole area is around it . this is downright alarming, today my right eye provides 70% of my vision, but again it’s all like this, it could collapse at any moment, the woman has been in the hospital for more than a week under the close supervision of doctors, during the day i can’t spend more than 20 minutes i'm resting, there are different ones ointments, foams that soften this is all that it covers, only here are four medicines, all this in a circle, drops three times a day, and drops of four types, that is, drops 12 times a day, six. once a day they put various ointments and gels under my eyelids, but ointments, gels, drops are not everything, five times a day the victims are given injections and ivs, these are two of them... antibiotics, painkillers and there are auxiliary ones, then another drip, go outside without sunglasses, hood, doctors for her strictly prohibited, because the sun is not even aggressive, burns will leave very large marks, scars, spots, and so on. after the sh