entered into force on january 1 of this year of the year about how volunteer units were created, anastasia poi'serials volunteer units began to appear in 2012 mainly consisted of two years of guard and rifle companies were armed with small arms and automobile equipment during 2014 unofficially added new units anti-aircraft platoon mortar battery etc. in the same year the association of volunteers was reformed and transferred to the brigades of the ground forces in the 12th year they began to unify volunteers oblast and district military commissariats were involved in the defense of the territory among the tasks of protecting strategically important objects, deploying checkpoints, fighting sabotage by the enemy's intelligence forces maintenance of order in the city, organization of the resistance movement and liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations in the following 2015, the first draft of the law on territorial defense of ukraine appears, to fix the legislative function of task three in the verkhovna rada then, the same way in 2017 and then in 2020 before the deputies the questio