dangerous to eat raw meat in villages, because there can be parasites or microbes, professor anastasia semenovae her father, by the way, worked as a veterinarian in the north; problems meet rarely. in addition, meat is actually eaten not raw, but frozen. and this is a big difference for sure, but the deer are vaccinated and the veterinary service works. we don't need to introduce him. so you know, there is some kind of virgin world, there is no state, there is no veterinary service. no, this is not so, below 15 definitely no microorganisms, no bacteria, no yeast , no mold no longer multiply there. raw meat, of course, not the entire diet of the northerners, individual pieces can be fried directly on the stove, but the main course is a soup made from the same venison originally. it was just a broth with chunks of meat. now they add rice or pasta, it turns out hot, nutritious and satisfying , what you need in order not to freeze in the plague at night , the stove, as a rule, is not heated from evening to morning and in the morning. let's just say it's getting cold. we also slept there, but we als