with his mouth in a sense, despite the war, life must go on how to find the only one in this anastasiya ruzhovat, she decided to find a second half . the 147th day of the war was going on. mila was tired of fighting off attacks from attacks not only from russia, but also from mom attacks when i get married. well, okay, let’s try. my mother gave me the boyfriend’s contact. well, well, i added his number in viber. postcards started coming from him right away. thank you, mom, but we don’t need those. i decided to find a groom myself. i realized that the best is already in the armed forces, but there are still a few worthy ones . decided not to exchange options for small things and invite arestovych on a date, they agreed that you would come for a walk, waited for an hour, waited for two, waited for three, and didn't wait , called him he said that he was coming and called me, but he didn't shout, that's how you should have shouted quietly so that i wouldn't hear in the apartment on the first floor, i called the neighbor they offered to go on a date, he didn't understand me, i switched to his langua