it's a really perverse system. >> anat admati teaches finance and economics at the graduate school of business here at stanford university. professor admati, what role in your view did the banks played in the 2008 crisis? >> a major view. and they are other financial institutions, so it's not just what you might call a bank, but whatever, investment bank, holding companies, even insurance companies like aig, they were all connected to one another. another. i explained in the book how to set of dominoes are very for interconnected. got themselves to take risk in all of these various different ways to fool the regulators about what was actually going on, and the meanwhile, do very well for themselves and put the rest of us at great risk. the regulators, and the politicians, they like the good days when it lasted and allowed the risk to build up in the way that really was harmful, ended up being very harmful. the reason we wrote this book is because they get doing this, because the crisis didn't resolve in appropriate lessons and regulations. so we are still in danger. so we wrote this b