his native crimea there, the future head of the atomic project, together with the physicist, anatoly alexandrovp demagnetization of ships at that time, the enemy widely used magnetic or non-contact mines , they supplied the magnetic minute with a magnetic fuse and when the ship passed over the mine or its immediate vicinity changed the magnetic field of the earth by the magnetic field of the ship, which led to the operation of the magnetic fuse of the mine, in order to deceive such mines and avoid an explosion, the magnetic field of the metal hull of the ship was artificially reduced in 3 months . of the black sea fleet, not a single such vessel was blown up by a magnet. at the beginning of 1942, academician yoff summoned kurchatov to kazan. severe frosts and kurchatov arrived from the southern territory in a light coat. immediately, he fell ill with severe pneumonia. he lay in bed for a long time and, due to this serious illness, did not shave off his beard, and then he had a supsula and this beard appeared, famous for the question. when he shaved off his beard, the scientist answered with the