meanwhile, anatoly savushkin was going to visit. hanged his clothes, when he suddenly noticed, whose pale daughter was clearly ill with toxicosis, at that moment savushkin was struck by the live bait. either he made a mistake or deliberately deceived him, he ran to the next floor, where his former strands of live bait lived and , according to zhivetsov himself, literally dragged him into his apartment, vladimir whom the savushki forcibly dragged into the apartment. he did not even look at the radio instead, he expressed savushkin. all that he thinks, this so-called doctor, that the hour of reckoning has come for the fact that he took the girl from me, killed my father on him and deceived the apartment, was not shy in expression. a rootless dog, a street hat of live bait, grabbed him by the tie and took over the garden to choke. he did not stop until anatoly calmed down. the killer noticed savushkin's daughter staring at him at close range, the girl said calmly. savushkin they are together it was nadya who came up with the idea to giv