basically, ukraine is diplomatically have backing from 7 7 have backing from the 7 7 7 77a7lliarice7 " all|anceader of coalition gig—ukrainian coalition like it see; problem was before. the main prebtena |s was before. the main prebtena is to up not right now is to speed up not only decisions only the political decisions and of european 7 7and notjust european as a whole, z =-7 {heiéiéi 7 7777 7 {cigars 7 7 7 77 7 5£e77 7777f7o7r7 77777a7nd77 ready for more, and this will a coalition which will be be a coalition which will be than smaller thantheeuroaean ,- ,, w " " '"' most probably, and will liik. uk. on lik. on the �* hand it will a ready for braee petiticeit""' ' ' " including sending an international mission to ukraine at some and we from point, —=:u has77been 7 has77been pushing 7 has77been pushing european ...,- u..t°...u-.-uu-.. . to more -=4774’ their support of ”t their eueefitt efuefaih§77 7 77 777 7 will "t their eueeert fifljefngg”” 7 77 77 7 will face the because they will face the russian once has because they will face the russian on once has because they will face the russian on