- yoga is a mind body that was created about 8,000 years ago in ancient india. - and how can yoga helpdeal with stress? - yoga helps you on a physical, mental, and emotional level, buphysically and mentally,e,o, you don't get syou build awareness.it als of what's important to you and what tri so that when you see yourself in that situation you can walk awafr - interesting. sneck and shoulders. how can yoga help us deal with that tightness? 'cause we all get stressed and our shoulders looking over at a computer and our eyes are getting all strained. the first thin is just relax those shoulders down. stretch all sides of your neck. so take your chin to your chest and just gently roll side to side.he side o. ont and back as well as the shoulders, bring the chin to the chest and the back of the hands together. take a deep inhale and open the arms out to the sides. squeeze the shoulder blades together, lift the chin, and exhale, and you're going to stretch the back of the neck again. and when you open up, you stretch the front of the throat. and how does that feel? - very good. i'm already