no ancoats. where's ancoats? medley. it's ancoats. hope town. [single knock] come in. rankine, when i say 6:00, i mean 6:20. i don't mean 8:00. however, i will take your apology for granted, as i can't actually be bothered to sit and listen to it. so just tell me what you've got and pray that it's worth me being mildly [bleep] off about. >> my snout's tony rice. the street's right arm. >> ah. okay, go on. >> the street did not pop nazir official, nor did he put out a contract. it was business as usual, tickety-boo, then all of a sudden, he has the 5-0 cluttering up his front room. >> street knows tony's a grass. he's selling you a line. >> i don't think so. >> nazir was ripping him off. he couldn't be seen to tolerate that. >> the street's a realist. if his right-hand man isn't milking the firm, the chances are somebody else is. somebody's got their fingers in the till, it's cool. he can always slam the drawer. it's what happens now. that's what's got tony scared. i mean, if the street had killed this guy, it would be a relief to everybody. nazir was his property. he c