when they crossed the andahannock, they crossed brought us into the modern military spirit. [gunfire] [drums] [gunfire] >> one of the amazing impacts of the fighting downtown is the confederates had so successfully delayed the union army that they crushed the union commanders plan. he was not able to get his forces across the river and struck up the confederates in a timely manner. robert e lee had more than enough time to bring his forces .ogether and concentrate them when the army was able to strike out from project for, 78,000 nonfederates had ringed them i and were waiting for them. and that is downtown delayed crossing and bought lee the chance to concentrate his forces. according to the general, everything that happened ofntown won the battle frontage burden and everything after that was a foregone conclusion. tactically, what we saw were lines of men moving down the street, firing in the confederates retreating. is that the way it happened? >> union forces did march through the downtown streets. they did literally fire from the streets. most of the confederates were t