in the case of anders behring breivik illustrates this possibility.according to his online manifesto, he spent nine years methodically planning his attacks. in detail he explained how he procured firearms and stored caches of weapons. but all the while he evaded suspicion from authorities. for the first part of his attack, he placed a bomb that exploded at the offices of the prime minister. the second part of his attack was a shooting spree at a summer camp where labor party leaders said the children are in all total 77 were killed in the attack. presumably the attacks were intense to send a message that he disapproved of norway's liberal immigration policies. and the new media figure very prominently in his campaign have too. shortly before he began his attacks, he uploaded an electronic book on the internet called 2083, a european declaration of independence. and in addition he upload a video on youtube that was titled the knight templar 2082. and the video contained numerous references to the islamic threat to europe interspersed with these iconic