exact same belief system, the exact same ability to mischaracterize political opposition that anders breivikwe have talked about him today, the right-wing nationalist in norway, who mass murdered 77 school children in norway because he wanted to excise the next generation of norwegians who were susceptible to immigration. we could quickly move to violence with this level of rhetoric. >> i want to play one more piece of sound. this is ted cruz, saying one thing that foreign policy experts have said was the least productive thing we have heard thus far from one of the presidential candidates. if we could play ted cruz. >> we need our law enforcement to engage and to fight this enemy, which is islamism. different from islam. izlaumpism is a political and theocratic philosophy that commands its adherents to engage in jihad, to murder or violently convert infidels which they mean anybody else, all of us, and to force us to live under sharia law. and we have got to fight islamism at every level. this administration is not doing that. and that is why we're seeing the rise of radical islamic terrori