. -- andgenda and it inability to do anything, have a long habit of putting their party over country. donald trump allows us to tell that story. race you is there one should look at as a bellwether that you think will tell us a lot about where the rest of the country is going to move toward and how this election is going to turn out? toward las biased vegas because it's my hometown, but i would go back to nevada three. it has all the elements and dynamics that will affect the house races and the interesting part about that district is that it is open. the open seats are whole piece of our battlefield we did not in moderateabout districts because moderate republicans were done here and left to run for office in that district or said i can't do it anymore and decided to retire. not one incumbent versus another. we have a terrific candidate in jackie rosen and the republicans just elected a very right wing, not the moderate they wanted and that's a terrific story to tell. the district has a large latino and minority population and has those suburban dynamics that affect us and where you