observethe ege and h justhappened to be threwhen he campaignpend ad ee reeated andgrant folowed, andhen lioln hed that richmondad falen, h said "i antto ee richmon" so he amir i chargeof e gun bos on te jme, ordered th lotilla t o up rier and car lincol th his security ard to the ty. the nxt da, e first d afte the union occupation. we, they had to cleathe nfederate nes to start th and theswept th river fomines and g some of th buthey didn't t all of th, so it w bit tense going u riv. and one one, thshis had ngine trouble whee theyan into obstrutions. even wn the go t -- o they fel beind one by on and licoln moved o a progreively sall ship. en they goto the conferate barer acro the rive and hey relized hat thebiger ship uldn't go rough th barrier. lincoln nsied o contuing, and ende up, he gt into n admiral's rge, which ws just a orified opn rowboa lleby 12 oarsn, and you uld imagin whatthe officers f hi ecurity etail werthiking as they stood on t deckof te bigger shiswit their guar watcing th preside dsapar ustrm towards rimond, whicwas known toe in uion hands. they didt know itwas fully undem