and andi taufan does more. together with friends, he's founded a platform that funds eyeglasses for rural women -- glasses the women couldn't afford otherwise. taufan is not yet 30, but for him, commitment to social causes is a matter of course. andi: if we talk about young people, they have the drive and the commitment not only for themselves but also to find solutions for the most pressing problems, especially if we talk about indonesia. we have so many social and economic problems, also environmental problems. that is the dynamic. that's something we are eager to face. reporter: andi taufan gave up his well-paid job as an engineer to devote himself entirely to his organization. many people in indonesia are poor. they get little benefit from the country's rapid economic growth. taufan is convinced that a lot has to happen for that to change. he meets up with friends in jakarta. they're doctors, bankers, musicians, and it entrepreneurs, and they're members of the global shapers community, a worldwide network ma