what about the recommendations of the commission, that you complete without delay the the line to 0 andion of the ap-100 and the water design? >> there was no reason to specifically delay action as a result of this action. >> that sounds like action to me. are you planning to do it without delay? >> we are continuing to move forward. >> can you do it within 90 days? >> we will be close to receiving a final ruling on that in october. that is part of the reason for us to look at these recommendations within 90 days. when the look of final design, i think it is important we disposition all these recommendations so that we know what, if any, changes affect the reactor. >> will considering all of the 12 recommendations delay your consideration of the design certification for the ap-1000 and the new boiling water reactor design? >> i do not. however, we could have delays on the new reactor in terms of licensing. >> there is a lot of talk here about delay. this report says that you should do this without delay. why do they say that? >> that is something you will have to ask the task force. inform