students andith anourn to the past, which is organization that espouses nonviolence and the movement and teaches young people about that, they don't know anything if it is not in our history books. tavis: what kind of reaction you get all these years later from young people when they hear the story of your sister and the other three who were killed in the basement of this church while they were in sunday school? i'm asking you a kind of response you get because we live in a world where young people are so anesthetized to violence now. they see it now in video games and movies. i'm try to get a sense whether the story hits them. does it resonate? >> does. theysonates in a way that can understand that that really happened. when we did the trip with the students on sojourn, after the first couple of days, they were, like, this really happened? people really did that? people try to keep you from going to school? they wouldn't let people vote? beat them up because they wanted the right to vote? it is astonishing to them. they almost can't grasp that that happened in this country. tavis: l