[speaking local l language] >> these approaches can be very effectivive on the small scale, um, andlslso in the s sho term.. at the end of the daday, as elelephant habitathrininks, elelephants a are going to spend more and more time coming out of the forerest. so thehe long-term solution is not community based initiatives to drive elephants back to the forest. the long-term solution is to make sure there's enough room for the elephantsts to live in the natal habitat withthout having to coce into humanan habitatioion. >> the best hope to conseserve the sumatran elepephant is acactuallyly to consererve the n aceh, because that's where thehe biggest popopulations a are. so inin order to conserve t the elephants, we've got to conserve those lowland rainforests, which means conserving leuser. >> graham m usher is trying to o jusst that. he is a man n on a missssion. he is using new technology to capture an aerial view o of the illegal loggining operations. he hopes it will help prorotect elephant hahabit. >> we've been flying a uav, unmanned aerial vehicle. that gives us the capacity to fly p