. -- there currently threatening a andn eu member. reunification between greek and turkish people seems farther away than ever before. >> on saturday, and military parade was staged and the capital of the republic of cyprus. a demonstration of power addressed to a much more powerful turkey. cyprus feels threatened because turkey wants to prevent the brakes on the island from drilling for oil and gas offshore. turkeys and intimidated warships into the eastern mediterranean. if the drilling -- it says the drillings are completely legal and ask the millet -- the international community to mediate. >> this is an issue of political and diplomatic movement spread -- movements. this is an issue of respecting the sovereign rights of the cyprus republic. >> the source of the crisis is 200 nautical miles east of the coast of cyprus. a huge deposits of natural gas. >> up to now, cyprus has had to import oil and gas. if the drillings are successful, experts estimate that the island republic will have 3.5 trillion cubic meters of gas at its dispos