andracie potts joins us liv with the latest. >> reporter: let's tk about these results srting with t democratsecause it's not c if anyon rlly knewt would be qui ttit betw llary clion and bere saers, both sort of declang ctory bore all of the votes were even counted. itust about 20 minutes ago that we got word tt nbc called it afthe demti party here i iowa declaredhis a historicallylose race. fact, singing fht son there, clinto camp declared her the winner earlier in the evening, before thenetworks did, befor she even came out and spoke and a lot of people lso heard from bernie sanders who called it tie at that point. now, the big story f the republics ted cruz and t fact tte sailed to victo overonald trp who had been red in the latesol and thther bigry with therepublicans is marcorubio.he was the first major candidate of the evening to come out and clar victy. a third place finish but extremely close. for a while we tht he m gesecond place but jusbehind donald trump. but wt does all of this mean going into new hashire? rst all of, it means dald trump, who's doing much bette in new ha