there's andrae crouch. why's he here? he's going to sing. with us? no. jenny said-- you already killed a moose. let these people live. don't worry aboutthese people. very inspiring. what do you do at your easter service? sack out on the pews? let me tell you-- i know. you're not a real reverend. you knew? um-hmm. then whydid you come? any man that will go to these lengths for his granddaughter must love her very much. i like to sing where there's a lot of love. amen. and thank you. at this time, the reverend crouch has agreed to bless us by singing a song. ladies and gentlemen, can't nobody do me like jesus can't nobody do me like the lord no, they can't can't nobody do me like jesus because he's my friend sing it all with me can't nobody like jesus do me can't nobody can't nobody do me like the lord can't nobody do me like jesus he's my friend he's my friend let me tell youwhat he did i came to jesus just as i was i was weary and my heart was so sad i found i found in him a sweet old restin' place and he has made me glad can't nobody can't nobody do me