. >> good afternoon, commissioners, andre acevedo. i'm here this afternoon to present the latest quarterly report on contracting activity here at the port. this will be through october through december of 2012. the report toed today i'm going to present to you is four components. delegating authority, participation by local businesses enterprises and port contracts, as needed contracting in the use of cso or contract service order and our local hiring compliance effort. during the reporting period executive director authorized the approval of one professional service contract with the leadership for management coaching services. the amount of $10,000. during the same period of time we issued 2 contract service orders for existing as needed contracts. one with kaiser for pier 70 negotiation report for the $90,000 and baseline consulting for storm water monitoring services, a little over $50,000. local business enterprise contracting participation. so this is really for the first half of the fiscal year. during the first half of the fis