department is doing a number of things to help build community bridges and police commander, andre anderson has a unique perspective when it comes to race and placing. anderson himself didn't care for police growing up. >> i didn't respect them and i didn't like the police. >> reporter: there are many african americans who feel at some point they have been profiled by police. and anderson is no exception. >> i haven't really met any person that i know that's black that hasn't profiled in some way, shape, or form. for me, i chose to do something about it. i chose to become a police officer. >> and anderson hopes his passion helps change perceptions in communities like glendale. >> my party, is to build those relationships, and demonstrate, and prove to the community, that we really care. >>> well, you better keep an eyen o your bank account, and the gas pump. high tech pumps once again using those skinny devices. and morgan low found these for sale. right there on the open internet. authorities have already seen more than twice the number of skimmers in the past two months. then they found a