one of the delegation she's dyslexia and by speaker andre demco says that poland wouldn't let this fellow e u. countries delegation fly over its territory. because while the was just one big kindergarten class in poland is apparently the self appointed hall monitor. so this will vacuum plane had to had west on that ariel scenic tour of germany and the czech republic all the way around hole in just to then go north and then east to russia, a real dream for frequent flyer point collectors. anyway, the group of lawmakers is now in town to meet with russian parliamentary representatives, ministers, and also gas prom. clearly hoping that there's a solution here somewhere because the e u seems to have totally lost control of it. spoiled, foster child ukraine, the european commission asked to participate in a working group with slovak, here to find the solution. and it said, no, we're good. seems like a solution actually would have been to just not back key of in shutting off the gas top in the 1st place and the you do the exact opposite of that. cheering it on the especially since it was, it's