. >> andre geim who is 51 years old, my age, i'm still waiting for my nobel prize. >> lehrer: gotcha. >> 51. he is is first nobel prize winner to have won the spoof award, the ignoble prize back in 2000. he likes to play around with electro magnetism because of the super conductivity properties of it. he was able to levitate a frog and whon won what is called the ignoble prize for odd, bizarre science. he did a paper once his co-author was his favorite hamster. now novoselov, both of them are russian nationals. novoselov is younger and served under geim. he is the youngest laureate in nobel physics history since 1973. you know, it's nice to have guys who are having fun, letting the hamster co-author and levitating frogs on the side. it's nice to have guys who are willing to take it with a sense of humor. >> lehrer: it's nice to have miles o'brien as our new science editor. thank you very much, miles. again, welcome. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> woodruff: finally tonight, president obama shined a spotlight on community colleges today as he drew a direct line from the education thes