for their first production of oedipus the tyrant, by sophocles, andrea gabrielli attempted to composesical greece, and veronese designed the costumes. painting, too, became ever more theatrical, and in the case of veronese's version of the last supper, gave cause for a drama in which the artist became the main character in conflict with the inquisition. veronese was called before the inquisition to answer questions about his painting of the last supper, a painting that was filled with all sorts of offensive details. there were to be found dwarfs, jesters, animals, and perhaps above all, german soldiers. in the age of the counter reformation, german soldiers could hardly be accepted with equanimity. what is the significance of those armed men dressed as germans, each with a halberd in his hand? we painters take the same license the poets and the jesters take. the two halberdiers are placed here to be of service because it seemed to me fitting that the master of the house should have such servants. that man dressed as a buffoon with a parrot on his wrist, why did you paint him? for orna