host: what was it about andrew jung -- andrea jung that they wanted to keep her? guest: i believe the board was rewarding her for having brought the company through an extensive restructuring process and putting it back on the road to financial health. as many people find from reading these proxies', they are written by lawyers, and it is hard to determine the luggage bit -- logic behind doing this. bonuses went up last year as a group for these ceo's, and yet profits for these companies went down. that struck me as contradictory. host: our next call comes from kansas city, misery. on our line for independents. caller: [inaudible] host: turn down your television. we are getting feedback. caller: they had divided up as republicans, democrats, and independence. it should be divided as rich and poor. the top 10% of this country run the country, the top 10% money earners, they have bought congress, they bought our president, supreme court has decided that is ok. then the media acts like a plague is trivial black-white- green-purple things and have us fighting amongst