the leader of the house, andrea leadsom has spoken about what mr gove had to say and as far as she wass. sovereign governments are always in a position to undertake and then subsequently to make different arrangements should the will of the people be that they do that. i don't see this is getting us anywhere. it is the case in a sovereign parliament that the voters can choose to take a country in a different direction. jonathan, trade talks are coming up next. how bruising could this be for britain? bruising was the word iain duncan smith used when he was interviewed on the radio to say it will be very difficult and for all the hard work that it has taken to get to this point, the midnight phone calls, the pre—dawn flight to brussels, the hard wrangling with theresa may's political allies at home, the trade talks will be tricky because the cabinet has yet to agree on what they want the outcome to be. if they can, then it might smooth the passage a little bit more easily, but if they can't, then it will be tricky the hole way through. jonathan blake, thank you very much. foreign secreta