but they'll struggle later in life without a high school certificate. director andrea lima is happy that some students have been coaxed back to school. like bruno, he became his families main breadwinner, a few years ago when his parents fell ill. now he manages a job, an school. he's a keen student, means grand, gaza. i prefer to be at school with my friends and all the activities are just staying at home with his eyes. now, angelina has a ne worry that the all micron very interval full schools to close again. and why should you too my pleasure? that would be a tragedy for now. what would go down the drain? and it would be really frustrating for the students. turley based teacher, carlos, eduardo agrees, school he says, is more than just a place to learn. it provide structure and a large number of students get a hot meal here. often the only one of the day or your mom. we've seen kids here at school asking for food comfort. that was very painful for us to see with dora for the bridge. we're just nearby eduardo meets another student, working at his mother's food, stand the 17 year old an