i'm andrea mckaren where the lu lu lemon trial -- it was a struggle so violent it crushed her skull and severed her spinal cord. john mccarthy outlines some evidence he'll bring to trial in october. crime scene photos, dna, along with expert analysis of blood splatter and show prints found at the scene. for the first time her lawyer raised issues about her competentes. >> our investigation is still continuing. >>> i'm kristin fisher at the kennedy space center. i watched the final launch with my mother. i watched my mom fly in space when she became the first mother in space. i later watched my dad fly in space. to be here today it was truly impressive to be surrounded by all these current and former space shuttle astronauts as they watch the culmination of this 30-year program. >>> it was also an exciting day for the nasa employees. they created some of the cargo that went up with the shuttle today. on board, tools that will teach scientists how to refuel satellites in space. they also sent supplies to the international space station. even though this is the final launch, employees say