andrea pino to change that. -- 648 we hope that schools instead of fearing being sued by students or fearing these title ix complaints will actually put that money into programs to prevent sexual assault to begin with 59 -- pino co-founded eroc, end rape on campus. the organization has lobbied for change helping survivors who say schools ignored their allegations . file title nine complaints. eroc was featured in the campus sexual assault documentary the hunting ground the same film in which erica kinsman shared her story . saying fsu violated title nine by refusing to investigate her pino says kinsman's title nine settlement is a step. upwards of 200 right now under investigation are going to continue schools actually start prioritizing campus safety 214 -- we checked and found a title ix investigation into usf. it started in september 2014. while not every complaint results in a federal lawsuit . title nine experts say it's no longer just this settlement -- the regarding sexual assault is proof of that. -- peter lake 43 title dollar mistake 45 and i think that we've had the stakes