this breakthrough process as long as how it will help our economy is a fast ball group executive andrea rader partially because it is so expensive. >> well, we don't think it is that a risky. we have been doing this for the past 60 years. so we're confident that technology has proven. we have been running. essentially identical to what we plan to do in louisiana. that has been running very well, and we are selling price today into the open markets at prices that are not subsidized. melissa: yes. >> we are excited and confident we can make this work. melissa: i think the risk comes from the fact that, you know, there's a lot of fluctuation in natural gas prices. in the time that i have been covering energy they have gone from 15 to two. we thought there were going to go down and break a dollar. so there is some much fluctuation, and that is the main product you are using. what priced as natural gas have to stay at in order to make this makes sense and how much does diesel have to be? >> the real issue is not so much the absolute gas price but the multiple between gas and oil price. the technol